After reading my friend Arun’s blog about the photographer Kevin Carter’s suicide note in the following link , I thought its time for me to think about ethics in Media। As a part of syllabus in M।Sc I did study ethics. All the reporters and journalist across the world would have studied the same. But are they used in real life? No. Those were just thought and learnt just to pass out the exam at the end of the semester. There are just written in books and in exam papers but never ever followed in lifetime.
Shall we just rewind our mind to think of the History of journalism in India? In India newspaper started revolution started in late 17th century। Even during that period the newspapers spoke truth। There are n number of people who lived in jail, who sacrificed their blood and life for journalism. Newspapers were a biggest medium during freedom fight, to raise their voice against the British. Media united people around the country to fight for a cause. They fought together to get the independence. They worked for the people. They were purely a medium to disseminate facts and information to common people.
Coming back to the current situation, are we doing justice for such a great profession? Everything is commercialized। All are running for money. Media has no way escaped from these clutches. Of course I do understand that people don’t work for free. But we can surely maintain basic human rights.
All the ethics learnt in college are rewritten by each and every media house for their own survival. Have you seen a movie called Page 3?? If not please do watch it when you find time. An excellent movie directed by Madhur Bhandakar. The movie depicts the factual sad state of our Indian media.